Together Forever
Date: 2/27/2020 (Thurs All Day) 8am-6pm
Cost: $395
Register at CookieCon
Class Description:
We always dream to be old together with your partner. Let’s make this 8” x 9” 3D cookie set together. You will work on 3 cookies and assemble everything at the end of the class.
You will learn which icing consistencies to use for different parts of this cookie set and many more techniques such as:
Pressure piping for human
Face feature with dimensions such as puffy cheek
Details and dimensional piping
Create texture
Color shading
Glossy effect
Work with modeling chocolate
Paint with food powder
Grass like texture
3D piped and royal icing transfer cherry blossom
Royal icing transfer
Painting with silver dust
How to make the cookies stand up with isomalt and royal icing
Skill Level: Advanced
Prerequisite: Must have solid experience in piping and flooding
All tools and materials will be provided for classroom use only.